Was gibt es Neues?

Congratulations to the first "TYPO3 Certified Integrators" - new exams available

Till end of 2008 we have 48 "TYPO3 Certified Integrators" worldwide. The certification committee congratulates them for their success! [mehr]

DAM 1.1.0 has been released

The DAM development team is proud to announce the release of version 1.1.0 of Digital Asset Management (DAM), the bugfix Release after "The Big Sleep". [mehr]

Security issues in several third party TYPO3 extensions

Security vulnerabilities have been discovered in the following third party TYPO3 extensions: "phpMyAdmin" (phpmyadmin), "DR Wiki - Typo3 Wiki extension" (dr_wiki), "WEC Discussion Forum"... [mehr]

TYPO3 Coding Weekend in Karlsruhe

From December 13th-14th 2008 the core and core-related developers Ingmar Schlecht, Sebastian Kurfürst, Oliver Hader, Andreas Wolf and Jochen Rau arranged a TYPO3 Coding Weekend in Karlsruhe/Germany.... [mehr]

Podcast about Transition Days published

Do you remember the TYPO3 Transition Days? I promised to publish a podcast featuring some statements by the participants of the meeting and now - after enjoying two weeks of holidays in a warm... [mehr]

Update on recent typo3.org issue

Dear user of typo3.org,after a while of (almost) non-stop activity by members of the security team as well as the core team and the folks from punkt.de the front user login on typo3.org has been... [mehr]

Sponsoring of Form Project Completed

I am very pleased to announce that the financing of the new FORM sponsored project has been completed.The main supporters of this project were a network of German universities. [mehr]